Untethered jailbreak is available for all devices with iOS 6.0 – iOS 6.1.2 . This includes:
iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5;
iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 5G;
iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Mini;
If you don’t need cellular unlock use Evasion utility, tutorials are available here:
If you need custom firmware to preserve baseband modem version for iPhone unlock use SnowBreeze . Tutorials are here:
3G , 3GS , 4G , Ads , baseband , custom firmware , Firmware , Howto , iOS , iOS 6 , iOS 6.0 , iOS 6.1.2 , iPad , iPad 2 , iPad 3 , iPad Mini , iPhone , iPhone 3G , iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPhone 4S , iPhone 5 , iPod , iPod Touch , iPod Touch 4 , iPod Touch 4G , jailbreak , Mac , sn0wbreeze , tethered , tethered jailbreak , Tutorial , Unlock , Unlock & Jailbreak , untethered , untethered jailbreak , Windows , анлок , джейлбрейк , Пошаговые инструкции , прошивка
iH8Sn0w released Sn0wBreeze 2.9.10 that brings support for untethered jailbreak of iOS 6.1.2. New version supports iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch 4G. It does not work with A5/A6 devices, like iPad 2, iPad 3, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, etc.
Sn0wbreeze can be used to create a custom firmware with jailbreak and preserve iPhone modem (baseband) version for unlock. It can also be used to upgrade iPhone 3GS modem version to 06.15.
You can find the release notes below. You can download the latest version of Sn0wBreeze from here .
Our step-by-step tutorials:
What is New?
2.9.10: Added Apple TV 2 iOS 5.2 sandbox fix. (thanks @nitoTV!)
2.9.10: Added iOS 6.1.2 support for 3GS/A4 devices (as usual).
2.9.9: Fixed issue with device not showing up in iTunes/xcode.
2.9.9: Fixed bug when building iPhone3,2 (iPhone 4 GSM-Rev2) IPSW.
2.9.9: Apple TV 2 bug fixes.
2.9.9: Now adds evasi0n untether directly to Cydia (for future updates).
Added 5.2/6.0.x/6.1 untethers provided by evad3rs
Added iOS 6.1 support for iPhone 3GS, and A4 devices.
Fixed Hacktivation issues on 6.0.x.
Fixed some iFaith mode bugs.
3G , 3GS , 4G , A4 , A5 , A6 , Ads , app , Apple , Apple TV , baseband , bug , custom firmware , Cydia , download , Evad3rs , Evasi0n , Firmware , GSM , hack , Howto , iH8sn0w , iOS , iOS 5 , iOS 6 , iOS 6.1.1 , iOS 6.1.2 , iPad , iPad 2 , iPad 3 , iPhone , iPhone 3G , iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPhone 4S , iPhone 5 , iPhone3 , iPod , iPod Touch , iPod Touch 4 , iPod Touch 4G , IPS , ipsw , iTunes , jailbreak , new version , Notes , pwnagetool , sed , sn0wbreeze , Sn0wBreeze 2.9 , test , tethered , tethered jailbreak , Tutorial , Unlock , Unlock & Jailbreak , untethered , untethered jailbreak , update , Windows , XCode , анлок , джейлбрейк , прошивка , скачать
Here are our step-by-step tutorials that will guide you through all the process of tether jailbreaking iOS 6.0.1 with redsn0w and sn0wbreeze :
iPhone 4
Tethered jailbreak iOS 6 .0.1
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3G , 3GS , 4G , 5.1.1 , Ads , Howto , iOS , iOS 5 , iOS 5.0.1 , iOS 5.1 , iOS 5.1.1 , iOS 6 , iOS 6.0 , iPhone , iPhone 3G , iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPhone3 , iPod , iPod Touch , iPod Touch 4 , iPod Touch 4G , jailbreak , redsn0w , sn0wbreeze , tethered , tethered jailbreak , Tutorial , Unlock , Unlock & Jailbreak , Windows , WordPress , джейлбрейк , джейлбрейк прошивки , отвязанный джейлбрейк , Пошаговые инструкции